Though in am not very much impressed with concept of Lopal but I am still with team Anna because something is batter than nothing.
Anna , Anshan , Corruption, Lokpal , JokePal and many more in next few days. This tail does`t seem to have an end. These days most of the news are being dumped because of lokpal . It seems that LOKPAL is going to be our God who will save us from never-ending corruption trail.
Now the million dollar question , what if the lokpal it self turn corrupt and chances are very high because we are corrupt from very root and lokpal is going to one of us. In this case he will be a person with endless power and it will be difficult to control him. Before calling ghost on table we must think how we are going to tame it.
Real concern is that lokpal will create more problem than it will solve it will be an unguided missile that will be master of its own. Though there are measure to control lokpal but they do not look efficient. Let me ask the question in other way around "Who will investigate if lokpal did some corruption" ? as of not at least I am not seeing any answer.
Actually this problem is result of our person centric thought process. We believe that person is responsible for corruption but in reality corruption is a part of system not a demerit of individual. Me and most of you have bribe at least once in our life and most of the time intent was not to promote corruption. Whenever a common man do corruption it because system left no choice. This is where actual corruption starts and start propagating bottom to top.
I have a very simple real life example, In Delhi more people tend to pay traffic fines when they are caught red handed but in Noida people prefer to pay bribe and sometime it higher that actual fine amount. Now tell me why people pay bribe higher than actual fine, answer is simple they do not want to get stuck in legacy process that will force them to took at least one leave from their respective workplaces. And once a constable gets bribe it start sharing with it`s superiors and chain reaction to the top of system and it further start and other reverse chain and greed that start at very top and move to bottom that forces low level employees to do more corruption.
Actually main problem is this Need -Bribe - Greed Cycle in the system and unfortunately no one is taking care of. All our thought should be centered about that. If we look around the globe there are several countries who are able to break this "Need -Bribe - Greed" cycle. For example why no other 9/11 turned up in USA and in India any day can be 9/11.
Solution to this problem is very simple but need political dedication and huge investment in technology as well. It time to learn from our own corporates. Just ask one question why corruption is almost negligible when compared to same size government organization. Answer is simple private corporate are very clear in terms of individual accountability , responsibility, risk, reward and punishment (That mostly start with loss of job)
My Solution is very simple "just improve the system" below is an outline
- Know your people by a unique Identity (like SSN in USA)
- Know what your people are doing (Regress tracking)
- Setup individual Responsibility, Accountability ,Reward Punishment as well.
Good Thoughtful article.... Ajay Thakur
Individual Responsibility & Accountability Bill Seems to be a really great thought if its virtual readiness is accepted and implemented in reality.
The path seems to be really tough as the barriers are there at every step which will tempt to change to our old psyche, nevertheless the results would be breathtaking in the future which can be visualized letting our future generations be the Pals for Lok.
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